emOnline-Groups – Online group discussions

Since the covid 19 pandemic at the latest, online group discussions have established themselves as a method for exploring topics in depth.

Online group discussions are a particularly sustainable and resources saving alternative, as both moderators and participants do not have to travel. This brings us closer to our goal of minimising our ecological footprint.

Due to the technical framework – the online group discussions are conducted via PC or mobile device – a very strong focus on presented content is possible.

The discussions are preferably conducted in small groups of 3 participants. This makes it easier for the moderator and the participants to assign answers.

Reliable technology is the basic prerequisite for high-quality discussion groups. To ensure this, all participants are briefed and supervised technically in advance. This allows them to concentrate fully on the content of the discussion.

We use state-of-the-art technology for our tried and tested emOnline groups. We use the latest video conferencing tools to ensure a redundant, fail-safe system. Participants in our emOnline groups can also choose to dial in via landline or mobile network. In This way, we can also take into account respondents with limited technical infrastructure and thus make better use of the population.

The moderator and also the participants, if they agree, can be seen via video.

In our experience the target groups – especially doctors and pharmacists – are very willing to participate.

Moreover, this method allows to easily integrate participants from peripheral and rural areas.

